- Creative Paperclay Delight white, www.paperclay.com
- Candy corn decorative paper
- Striped black decorative paper
- Black cardstock
- Halloween message stickers, 2
- Clay roller, ruler, paper cutter, small scissors, small watercolor paintbrush
- Watercolors (yellow, orange, green) 2” oval clay cutter, toothpicks, scrubby pad, plastic place
- mat for work surface
- Small jar of water & paper towel for brush clean up.
1. Roll out a 5” square of Paperclay onto the work surface to about 1/8” thickness. Press scrubby
pad onto clay surface for texture. Cut out one oval shape for pumpkin. Use the toothpick to
make two lines as seen on pumpkin. Roll a small cone shape for the the stem. Use a toothpick to
mark lines on the stem. Glue stem to top of pumpkin. Let dry for several hours.
2. Use the paper cutter to cut out a 5” X 7” rectangle of candy corn paper and glue to the front of a
blank 5” X 7” card.
3. Cut a 2” x 7” strip of black striped paper and glue about 1” in from the left side of the card. Line
edge to the bottom of the card and fold over extra to the back of the card.
4. Place Halloween message stickers on black striped paper.
5. Use a small brush and dip in yellow watercolor. Paint pumpkin. Before paint dries, add some
orange watercolor to the side of the pumpkin for shading.
6. Paint the stem using the green paint. Add a line or two of orange paint on the stem.
7. Using the small scissors, cut a simple triangle nose, eyes & mouth from the black carstock. Glue
onto pumpkin face, and then glue the pumpkin onto the black striped paper as in photo.