Thursday, October 11, 2012

Craft Ideas Using Beacon's FABRI-TAC Glue



  • Tie Dyed T-Shirt
  • 16” Pillow Form
  • Scissors, Sewing Machine, Needle, Thread


  1. Cut two 17” squares from the body of the T-shirt and set aside.

  2. Refer to the Diagram A to cut the remainder of the T-shirt in 1” strips. Gently stretch each of the strips to form rolled fabric tubes. The Tees strips are formed as the fabric is stretched and each of the sides curls towards the center.
  3. Always cover work surface before gluing.
  4. Apply FABRI-TAC in the inside folded edge of a string and tightly wrap it around itself forming a spiral. Continue adding glue and wrapping around the Tees strip to the desired spiral size, Diagram B. Create nine 3 ½” spirals and let dry.

  5. Place one of the 17” squares right side up on a flat surface.  Arrange and mark location of spirals on the pillow front to desired arrangement. Apply glue to the back of each spiral and press into pillow front. Place a heavy object on top and let dry. See Diagram C below.
  6. With right sides together, stitch around the outside edge of the squares leaving a 6” opening along one edge. Turn right side out and press flat. Insert pillow form and hand stitch opening closed as in Diagram D below.

Diagram C:                                                                                  Diagram D:




  • Tie Dyed T-shirt strips
  • Plastic hairband blank
  • Scissors
  • Photograph A


  1. Refer to the diagram to cut T-shirt into 1” strips. You will need two strips to create one headband. Gently stretch each of the strips for form rolled fabric tubes. The Tees are formed as the fabric is stretched and each of the sides curls toward the center.

  2. Apply FABRI-TAC to the inside folded edge of the Tees strip and tightly wrap it around itself , forming a spiral. Continue adding glue and wrapping around the strip to create the desired size.

  3. Create three 1” & five ¾” spiral for each hairband. Refer to the photograph for wrapping spiral. Let dry.
  4. Glue to one end of the Tees strips and press to the inside edge of the headband, Hold the glued end in place while wrapping the strip around the headband, covering the glued end. Refer to the Wrapping Hairband photo.
  5. Apply glue to the hairband and continue wrapping, pressing the strips into the glue. Cover 2/3 of the hairband. Cut strip. Repeat the process starting from the opposite end of the hairband until it’s completely covered.
  6. Glue spirals to the top of the covered hairband, layering a few to create the desired look. Let dry.

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